Stanford Day 2: Angiogram
Today was a LONG day, but a good one. Since my angiogram wasn't scheduled until 8:30, we didn't have to get up so early. When we got to Stanford, we had a bit of trouble finding the registration desk for the Cath-Angio Lab and Bobby stopped someone to ask directions. I immediately recognized him and asked if his name was Mark... It was and I reintroduced myself. Mark was my nurse for my very first angio at Stanford and for my second one as well. He's one of their nurse educators and just super nice!
After checking in, a nurse came out to take me back and we got another great surprise. Leah used to live in Kakaako and was a nurse for 3 years at Queens! She and Mark ended up with me in both pre-op and recovery. It was so nice to have them both taking care of me and talking story.
It was a bit of a wait, as things were running a bit behind schedule, but time passed pretty quickly with my two awesome nurses. The angio itself went very well and I kind of napped through most of it (I am super sensitive to anesthesia). Afterwards in recovery, I got a real nap and then Mark got me lunch AND scrounge up dessert plus a candy bar for me! After laying flat for 3 hours I got transferred to another recovery area. Nurse Ana got me up & on my feet so I could finally get discharged. All in all it was an 8 hour day... But only about 90 minutes of that was spent on the actual procedure.
Bobby & I had another great evening talking story with the Colemans and plan to sleep in and go out for breakfast tomorrow morning. I have a 3 hour neuropsych exam after lunch and that is no joke. I'm pretty interested to see how I perform compared to the last time I was assessed in 2016. So far I haven't felt like the Moyamoya has affected my cognitive performance, but it will be interesting to see how I test. I also wonder if mom brain will affect it as well!
Thank you again for all your prayers. God has certainly been with us and has put people on our path to encourage us every step of the way!
After checking in, a nurse came out to take me back and we got another great surprise. Leah used to live in Kakaako and was a nurse for 3 years at Queens! She and Mark ended up with me in both pre-op and recovery. It was so nice to have them both taking care of me and talking story.
It was a bit of a wait, as things were running a bit behind schedule, but time passed pretty quickly with my two awesome nurses. The angio itself went very well and I kind of napped through most of it (I am super sensitive to anesthesia). Afterwards in recovery, I got a real nap and then Mark got me lunch AND scrounge up dessert plus a candy bar for me! After laying flat for 3 hours I got transferred to another recovery area. Nurse Ana got me up & on my feet so I could finally get discharged. All in all it was an 8 hour day... But only about 90 minutes of that was spent on the actual procedure.
Bobby & I had another great evening talking story with the Colemans and plan to sleep in and go out for breakfast tomorrow morning. I have a 3 hour neuropsych exam after lunch and that is no joke. I'm pretty interested to see how I perform compared to the last time I was assessed in 2016. So far I haven't felt like the Moyamoya has affected my cognitive performance, but it will be interesting to see how I test. I also wonder if mom brain will affect it as well!
Thank you again for all your prayers. God has certainly been with us and has put people on our path to encourage us every step of the way!
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