October 4: Post-op day 3

Well... We are all settled back into the house we are staying at. Mom got to stay Wednesday and Thursday night and Sars spent the day today.

It was a pretty chill day... Lots of baseball on TV and just hanging out. Mom did some shopping this morning and I got some walking in.

My blood pressure has been higher than usual (and that's OK), but my heart rate has been pretty low and worrying. I woke up last night pretty swollen in the feet, hands and face... But it's getting better and probably my body shedding water from all the IV fluids.

My cankles.... Eew! 

I talked to Stanford and they don't think it's an issue because I am non-symptomatic, but I'll need to keep monitoring for any problems. So far me speech continues to hold up and I'm feeling OK. 

Dad also said they boys had a good night last night and are doing well. They are definitely missing us, but the support & love from everyone has made a huge difference!

Our next door neighbors have offered to bring over dinner.... What a blessing!

Once again, thank you all for your prayers and support. Knowing you have an army of prayer warriors backing you up really helps keep us positive, upbeat and focused. Attitude is a huge factor in the recovery process and know God and all of you are supporting us makes all the difference!

Love you all!


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